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Ikan Hias Tegalega Buka Jam

Ikan Hias Tegalega Buka Jam

Ikan Hias Tegalega, also known as the red-tailed catfish, is a popular fish species in Indonesia. Known for its vibrant colors and unique appearance, this fish is a common addition to aquariums throughout the country.

Features of Ikan Hias Tegalega

Features Of Ikan Hias Tegalega

The ikan hias tegalega is a relatively large fish species that can reach up to 3 feet in length. It is characterized by its bright red tail, which is the reason for its common name. The rest of the fish's body is typically a mix of bright yellow, orange, and black. The ikan hias tegalega is a peaceful fish that can live with other species of similar size and temperament.

Habitat of Ikan Hias Tegalega

Habitat Of Ikan Hias Tegalega

The ikan hias tegalega is native to the Amazon River in South America. However, it has been introduced to various parts of the world, including Indonesia, where it has thrived in the warm waters. In the wild, this fish can be found in slow-moving rivers and flooded forests. It typically feeds on smaller fish, insects, and crustaceans.

Feeding Habits of Ikan Hias Tegalega

Feeding Habits Of Ikan Hias Tegalega

In captivity, the ikan hias tegalega is typically fed a diet of pellets, flakes, and frozen or live food. It is an omnivorous fish and will eat a variety of foods. However, it is important to ensure that the fish is not overfed, as it can lead to health problems. It is recommended to feed the fish small amounts of food several times a day.

Caring for Ikan Hias Tegalega

Caring For Ikan Hias Tegalega

Caring for ikan hias tegalega is relatively easy, provided that the right conditions are maintained. The fish requires a spacious aquarium that is at least 200 gallons in size. The water temperature should be kept between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The pH level of the water should be between 6.0 and 7.5. A good filtration system is also essential to maintain the water quality. It is important to avoid overcrowding the aquarium, as this can lead to stress and disease.


The ikan hias tegalega is a stunning fish species that is perfect for aquarium enthusiasts in Indonesia. With its bright colors and unique appearance, it is sure to be the centerpiece of any aquarium. By following the proper care guidelines, this fish can live a long and healthy life in captivity.

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