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Raiser Balai Riset Ikan Hias

Indonesia is a country that is widely known for its biodiversity, including its vast and colorful aquatic environment. The presence of exotic and beautiful fish species in Indonesia's waterways has sparked a booming aquarium industry that utilizes these fish to decorate homes, offices, and public spaces. However, maintaining an aquarium can be challenging, and many individuals struggle to keep their fish alive and healthy. Luckily, this problem has been addressed by a unique organization in Indonesia, the Raiser Balai Riset Ikan Hias.

Aquarium Industry Indonesia

Who is Raiser Balai Riset Ikan Hias?

Raiser Balai Riset Ikan Hias is an organization that is dedicated to advancing the aquarium industry in Indonesia by conducting research and developing innovative techniques for fish breeding and care. It was established by the Indonesian government through the Directorate General of Aquaculture in 2011, and it is currently under the auspices of the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.

Raiser Balai Riset Ikan Hias works closely with local communities, private sectors, and other stakeholders in the aquarium industry to promote sustainable fish farming practices and to provide education and training. Their primary goal is to enhance the quality and quantity of Indonesia's ornamental fish production, which can lead to the creation of new job opportunities, increased incomes for fish farmers, and a thriving aquarium industry.

What Does Raiser Balai Riset Ikan Hias Do?

Raiser Balai Riset Ikan Hias conducts various research projects that range from fish breeding to disease prevention and treatment. Their research aims to develop new fish species, enhance fish growth rates, and improve fish quality. The organization also conducts research on the management of fish farms, including water quality and feeding systems, to ensure that proper care is given to the fish.

One of the significant contributions of Raiser Balai Riset Ikan Hias is the development of a High-Level Biosecurity System (HLBS) that aims to prevent fish diseases and improve fish health. The HLBS is a comprehensive system that includes a quarantine system, bio-contained breeding units, and a sterilization system that ensures that the fish are free from harmful pathogens. This system has been implemented in several fish farms in Indonesia, resulting in a significant reduction in fish mortality rates and an increase in fish production.

High-Level Biosecurity System Indonesia

In addition to its research projects, Raiser Balai Riset Ikan Hias also provides education and training programs to fish farmers and other stakeholders in the aquarium industry. These programs include workshops, seminars, and training sessions on fish farming techniques, fish health management, and business development. Through these programs, Raiser Balai Riset Ikan Hias aims to improve the skills and knowledge of fish farmers, leading to improved fish production and quality.


Raiser Balai Riset Ikan Hias is a unique organization that has made significant contributions to the aquarium industry in Indonesia. Its research projects and education programs have improved fish production and quality, leading to new job opportunities, increased incomes, and a thriving aquarium industry.

If you are an aquarium enthusiast looking to start your own fish farm or improve your existing operation, Raiser Balai Riset Ikan Hias is an excellent resource to consider. Their research and education programs can provide you with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in the aquarium industry.

Related video ofRaiser Balai Riset Ikan Hias: Advancing the Aquarium Industry in Indonesia