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Struktur Organisasi Balai Riset Budidaya Ikan Hias

Balai Riset Budidaya Ikan Hias

Indonesia is known for its rich biodiversity, particularly in the aquatic world. With over 17,000 islands and more than 80,000 kilometers of coastline, it is no wonder that the country is home to thousands of fish species, including some of the most beautiful ornamental fish in the world. To preserve and improve the quality of these fish, the government has established the Balai Riset Budidaya Ikan Hias or Ornamental Fish Cultivation Research Center.

What is Balai Riset Budidaya Ikan Hias?

Also known as BRBIH, Balai Riset Budidaya Ikan Hias is a research facility dedicated to improving the quality of ornamental fish in Indonesia. Established in 1992, the center is under the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and is located in Depok, West Java. The center's main objective is to conduct research on reproduction, breeding, genetics, and nutrition parameters of ornamental fish, as well as improving the cultivation technologies and fish health management.

Brbih Research Program

Structure of the Organization

BRBIH is structured into several divisions headed by a director. The center has six main divisions, namely:

  • Division of Fish Health and Management
  • Division of Fish Reproduction and Genetics
  • Division of Fish Nutrition
  • Division of Aquatic Environment and Aquatic Microbiology
  • Division of Administration and Finance
  • Division of Ornamental Fish Production and Marketing

Each of these divisions is responsible for specific aspects of ornamental fish research and development. They work together to achieve the center's goal of improving the ornamental fish industry in Indonesia.

Research Programs

BRBIH conducts research programs aimed at developing new technologies and improving existing ones in ornamental fish production. The research programs are conducted by the various divisions within the center, and they include:

Fish Breeding

The Division of Fish Reproduction and Genetics conducts research on fish breeding to produce new strains of ornamental fish. The research involves selective breeding, hybridization, and genetic manipulation to create new fish species with desirable traits, such as color variations, body shape, and size.

Fish Health Management

The Division of Fish Health and Management conducts research on fish disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment. The research aims to develop new technologies and techniques for controlling diseases in ornamental fish farms.

Fish Nutrition

The Division of Fish Nutrition conducts research on the nutritional requirements of various ornamental fish species. The research aims to develop new fish feeds that meet the nutritional needs of different fish species at different life stages.

Aquatic Environment

The Division of Aquatic Environment and Aquatic Microbiology conducts research on water quality, environmental factors, and aquatic microbiology that affect ornamental fish culture. The research aims to develop new technologies and techniques for maintaining water quality, controlling environmental factors, and managing aquatic microbiology in ornamental fish farms.

Ornamental Fish Production and Marketing

The Division of Ornamental Fish Production and Marketing conducts research on the production and marketing of ornamental fish. The research aims to develop new markets, improve production techniques, and establish standards for quality and safety in ornamental fish production.

Impact of BRBIH on the Ornamental Fish Industry in Indonesia

BRBIH has played a significant role in the development of the ornamental fish industry in Indonesia. The center's research has led to the development of new technologies and techniques for breeding, nutrition, and disease control, which have improved the quality of Indonesian ornamental fish. The center has also established standards for quality and safety in ornamental fish production, which have led to the certification of many Indonesian ornamental fish farms.

Furthermore, BRBIH has helped to develop new markets for Indonesian ornamental fish, including the international market. The center has participated in various international ornamental fish exhibitions and conferences, which have led to the establishment of business relationships between Indonesian ornamental fish producers and international buyers. This has led to an increase in demand for Indonesian ornamental fish and has contributed significantly to the growth of the Indonesian ornamental fish industry.


The Balai Riset Budidaya Ikan Hias is an essential institution in the development of the Indonesian ornamental fish industry. The center's research has led to the development of new technologies and techniques for breeding, nutrition, and disease control, which have improved the quality of Indonesian ornamental fish. The center has also established standards for quality and safety in ornamental fish production, which have led to the certification of many Indonesian ornamental fish farms. With the continued support of the government and other stakeholders, BRBIH will continue to play a vital role in the development of the Indonesian ornamental fish industry.

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