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Inagro Ikan Hias Black Ghost

Inagro Ikan Hias Black Ghost: The Fascinating Fish Of Indonesia

Indonesia is home to a diverse array of aquatic life, including some of the most exotic and fascinating fish species in the world. Among them is the Inagro Ikan Hias Black Ghost, a stunning freshwater fish that has captured the hearts of many fish enthusiasts in the country.

Overview of the Inagro Ikan Hias Black Ghost Fish

Overview Of The Inagro Ikan Hias Black Ghost Fish

Also known as the Black Ghost Knifefish, the Inagro Ikan Hias Black Ghost is a member of the Knifefish family (Apteronotidae), which is characterized by their elongated, blade-like bodies and electric organs that produce weak electric fields to navigate and communicate.

The Inagro Ikan Hias Black Ghost is native to South America, specifically in the Amazon River basin, but has been introduced in other parts of the world, including Indonesia, where it has become a popular aquarium fish.

What makes this fish so fascinating and attractive to fishkeepers is its striking appearance. The Inagro Ikan Hias Black Ghost has a dark, almost black, body color that contrasts beautifully with its white or yellow markings. Its long, ribbon-like tail and finnage add to its graceful and elegant appearance.

Aside from its appearance, the Inagro Ikan Hias Black Ghost is also known for its interesting behavior. It is a nocturnal fish, which means it is more active at night than during the day. It also has a unique swimming style - it moves its body in a wave-like motion, making it look like a ghost swimming in the water.

Keeping Inagro Ikan Hias Black Ghost Fish

Keeping Inagro Ikan Hias Black Ghost Fish

As an exotic and tropical fish, the Inagro Ikan Hias Black Ghost requires specific conditions to thrive in captivity. Here are some tips for keeping this fish:

Tank Size and Setup

The Inagro Ikan Hias Black Ghost is a large fish that can grow up to 20 inches in length. Therefore, it requires a spacious aquarium to move around and thrive. A minimum tank size of 100 gallons is recommended for a single adult fish. It is also important to provide hiding places, such as rocks, caves, and plants, as this fish likes to retreat to a secure spot during the day.

The water parameters for the Inagro Ikan Hias Black Ghost should be kept at a pH range of 6.0-8.0, with a temperature range of 75-82°F. The water should also be well-aerated and filtered, as this fish produces a lot of waste.


The Inagro Ikan Hias Black Ghost is an omnivorous fish that will eat a variety of foods in captivity. It can be fed a diet of pellets, flakes, frozen or live food, such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and krill. It is important to vary its diet and not to overfeed, as this fish is prone to obesity.


The Inagro Ikan Hias Black Ghost is a peaceful fish that can be kept with other non-aggressive species of similar size, such as catfish, tetras, and rainbowfish. However, it is not recommended to keep them with aggressive or larger fish, as the Inagro Ikan Hias Black Ghost can be intimidated or harmed by them.



The Inagro Ikan Hias Black Ghost is truly a fascinating and beautiful fish that has become a favorite among fishkeepers in Indonesia. With its striking appearance, unique behavior, and specific care requirements, this fish can be a rewarding addition to any aquarium. However, it is important to remember that keeping any fish requires dedication, responsibility, and proper knowledge to ensure its health and well-being.

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