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Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut

Indonesia is rich in various types of aquatic creatures, including saltwater fish. One of the most popular saltwater fish in Indonesia is the Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut, which translates to brackish water ornamental fish cucumber. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to understanding the species, characteristics, and care tips for Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut.

What is Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut?

Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut, or the Arothron reticularis, is a species of pufferfish that lives in brackish water. This fish belongs to the Tetraodontidae family, which consists of other types of pufferfish, triggerfish, and filefish. These fish are also known as Cucumber Pufferfish or Reticulated Pufferfish.

Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut

The Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut has a unique shape that resembles a cucumber. Its body is round, small and covered in spines. They can grow up to 25 centimeters in length and weigh up to 1 kilogram. Their coloration is striking, with brown to grey blotches on a white background. Juvenile Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut have a brighter coloration than adults.

Characteristics of Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut

One of the most remarkable features of Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut is its ability to inflate its body when it feels threatened or frightened. This defense mechanism makes it challenging for predators to eat them. They also have four strong teeth that they use to crush their prey, which consists of crustaceans, mollusks, and small fish.

Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut are also known for their curious behavior. They are known to be interactive and will often approach their owners looking for food. However, they are not suitable for novice fish keepers, as they require a specific environment to thrive.

Care Tips for Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut

Before deciding to keep Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut as pets, it's essential to understand their care requirements. Here are the tips to ensure your Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut stays healthy and happy:

1. Tank Size and Setup

Aquarium Setup For Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut

Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut requires a large tank since they can grow up to 25 centimeters in length. For a single Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut, a minimum of 100-gallon tank is needed. For every additional Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut, add a minimum of 50 gallons of water to the tank. The tank should be set up with at least 3 inches of sand substrate, a few hiding places like rocks, coral, and caves, and a good filtration system.

2. Water Conditions

Aquarium Water Condition For Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut

Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut are brackish water fish, which means they need a mix of freshwater and saltwater to thrive. Their ideal water conditions should have a specific gravity of 1.005 to 1.015, a pH range of 7.5 to 8.4, and a temperature range of 22 to 26 degrees Celsius. Ensure to perform regular water tests to maintain the correct water parameters for your Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut.

3. Feeding

Feeding Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut

Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut is carnivorous, which means they eat meat-based foods. Feed them a variety of frozen or fresh meaty foods, including shrimp, crabs, and other seafood. While they are interactive and curious, do not overfeed them, as this can cause health problems.

4. Tank Mates

Tank Mates For Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut

Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut can be kept with other brackish water fish such as archerfish, scats, and monos. However, they are not suitable for a community tank with smaller fish or invertebrates as they will eat them.


Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut or the Cucumber Pufferfish is a unique saltwater fish that requires specific care and environment to thrive. Their striking coloration and interactive behavior make them popular pets among experienced fish keepers. By following the care tips provided above, you can ensure your Ikan Hias Air Payau Cucut stays healthy and happy in your aquarium.

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