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Sebutkan Jenis Ikan Hias Yg Dibudidayakan Di Indonesia

Ikan Hias Indonesia
Indonesia is known as the home of many beautiful ornamental fish. Various species of fish are bred in local farms and exported to different parts of the world. The demand for ornamental fish has been increasing in recent years, resulting in many Indonesian farmers showing interest in breeding and rearing ornamental fish.In this article, we will discuss the different types of ornamental fish that are bred in Indonesia.

Guppy Fish (Poecilia reticulata)

Guppy Fish

Guppy fish is one of the major ornamental fish that is bred in Indonesia. They are small in size and come in a wide range of colors and patterns. They are easy to maintain and breed, making them a popular choice for beginners. Guppy fish are also known for their distinctive body shape, with males sporting a long and pointed tail fin, while females have a broader and shorter tail fin.

Betta Fish (Betta splendens)

Betta Fish

Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are another popular ornamental fish in Indonesia. They are known for their bright colors and long, flowing fins. Betta fish are aggressive in nature, and males can be territorial towards other males. Female betta fish, on the other hand, can live with other females and even other species of fish. Betta fish require a little more care compared to other ornamental fish, but their beauty and unique behavior make them a favorite among hobbyists.

Koi Fish (Cyprinus carpio)

Koi Fish

Koi fish, also known as nishikigoi, are a popular ornamental fish that originated from Japan. They are large in size and are prized for their unique color patterns. Koi fish require a larger pond and good filtration system to maintain proper water quality. They are also known for their longevity, with some living up to 40 years or more.

Discus Fish (Symphysodon spp.)

Discus Fish

Discus fish, also known as pompadour fish or scalare fish, are a type of cichlid fish that are native to the Amazon Basin. They are known for their round and flat body shape and striking color patterns. Discus fish require a little more care compared to other ornamental fish, and they need a larger tank and water temperature maintained between 28-32°C. Despite their high maintenance, their beauty and unique behavior make them a popular choice for advanced hobbyists.

Angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare)


Angelfish are another popular ornamental fish that are native to the Amazon Basin. They are known for their triangular body shape and long, flowing fins. They are available in a wide range of colors and patterns, making them a favorite among hobbyists. Angelfish require a larger tank and a good filtration system to maintain proper water quality.


Indonesia is a hot spot for ornamental fish breeding, with many different species being bred and exported to different parts of the world. Guppy fish, betta fish, koi fish, discus fish, and angelfish are some of the most popular ornamental fish that are bred in Indonesia. No matter what type of ornamental fish you choose, make sure to provide them with a suitable environment and proper care to ensure their health and happiness.

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